Each year the Bethlehem Garden Club schedules different bus tours to various botanical, historical and cultural sites.
Individuals interested in a trip should contact our bus tour director by the deadline noted on each handout linked below.
The next bus trip will be to Grounds for Sculpture, in Hamilton, N.J.
Watch this space for details.
xx:00 p.m. Depart Advent Moravian Church, 3730 Jacksonville Road, Bethlehem 18017
xx:30 p.m. Depart for home.
xx:00 p.m. ETA Advent Moravian Church
Complete the form below and mail with your check payable to The Bethlehem Garden Club to Ms. Jacqueline Adams, 3517 Skyline Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18020. NO LATER THAN Wednesday, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 2025. Remember bus seats are assigned in order of checks received. There are NO REFUNDS unless you find a substitute.
Call Jacqueline 610-867-7463 OR 4848945094 if you have questions. Rain or Shine.
$xx.00 Members
$xx.00 Non-Members
Name: ______________________________
Cell for 6/6/25: __________________________
Please note the DEADLINE for each tour.